Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Happy Birthday Song To Jackson

Today is where we don't explain anything, we just sing Happy Birthday to this man.

Dear Jackson-

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday Dear Jackson...

Happy Birthday to yooooou!

Happy 26th Jackson Rathbone! 


Borderline Phenomenal

PS- Here's some eye candy for our readers.


AllTwiedUp said...

Ahh yes, Mister JRath, you are quite beautiful. Happy birthday, Jacksper! :)

Chye-Lin said...

It is a happy day when we can look at the yumminess that is J.Action! Happy birthday Mr. Rathbone!

Jaymes805 said...

Gah, I LOVE me some J.Action. We must go to 100 Monkeys together some day!:)

Lindsay Rae said...


So fine. So very, very fine. I might have licked, clicked, and saved.

Dangrdafne said...

I think my favorite part of Jackson is how comfortable he is with himself and who he is. It is refreshing to see someone at 26 be so in touch with who they are and are happy with it.

Happy Birthday Jackson

miss tejota said...

I can't believe I forgot to wish Jackson a Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Belated Birthday, Jackson.

17foreverlisa said...

LMAO!! I actually put my headphones on thinking I was going to click on an audio of you two singing happy birthday to Jackson. Still laughing...and wearing my headphones :)

Birthdays for Rob and Jackson are really gifts to ourselves, aren't they? The awesome pictures, etc., that come out in celebration are awesomesauce.

Great post.

