Why hello, long time no blog. I, Demanda, have made a pact with myself and @musingbella that I will blog every day this month leading up to the day Jaymes and I leave for “Seattle.” My friends and family think I am going to “Seattle” for a few days. . . little do they know I am going to the Mothership that is Forks, Washington. Gah, I c a n n o t wait ladies!
I see Borderline Phenomenal has new followers and I wanted to re-introduce myself and Jaymes. I would love to meet all of you in Seattle and Forks if you are going.
Demanda: I love long walks on the beach. . . just kidding. I am a late bloomer when it comes to loving anything that remotely has to do with Twilight. I used to endlessly make fun of Jaymes and her love for Twilight. Every time I saw a disco ball I would scream “EDWARD!” (I still do). I admit I watched Twilight (hated it) New Moon (hated it) then Eclipse (LOVED IT) On June 30th, 2010 I entered into the fandom that is Twilight and what a fantastic ride it has been ever since. After watching Eclipse, I read all four books in three weeks. My entire life revolved around that damn Saga. I would spend unhealthy amount of hours Google-ing topics on Twilight, Rob, Robsten, Kellan, locations of filming, Kellan, release dates on upcoming movies, Kellan; and then I came across my first Twi-Blog Twired. I fell in love with TwiredJen and Elusive_S From Jen’s blog I found Twitarded and it was all downhill from there. I went to Forks with everyone in 2010 , more on that in another post, and had one of the BEST weekend of my life.
Oh hai, Edward!
I live with Jaymes in a small beach community in California. My blogger handle is Demanda, on Twitter I am @amandakmelby, and my real life name is Amanda, go figure! Jaymes and I are getting into Seattle early Wednesday morning to get in some tourist attractions before the meet up in the Red Room of Pain. I would consider myself to be extremely outgoing so if you need a dance partner, karaoke partner, or drinking buddy. . come find me! Thursday we’re driving to Forks after we pick up luvsmesumedward and her sister and staying until Sunday afternoon.
Jaymes: What up h00rs! I'm Jaymes. I've been awesome since 1982 when I was made at a Cinco de Mayo party in the woods of a small Iowa town. I enjoy dancing, champagne, laughter, and 99 cent shrimp cocktail. Some people may see me as a Sarcastic Sally but I see myself as stellar. I've been addicted to Twilight since I saw New Moon sitting on the coffee table of a previous co-workers house. "What's this?" I asked. She stated it was a vampire book and I immediately threw it down like it had lit my hand on fire. "I don't DO vampires" I stated (my, how things have changed.. I would give anything to do a vampire now!) She told me the books were amazing and to read the first chapter of Twilight. If I wasn't convinced, I never had to look at them again. One chapter later and I was asking her if I could borrow the book. I promptly returned it to her the next day and asked to borrow New Moon. I returned THAT to her the next day and she gave me devastating news; Eclipse wouldn't be out for a few months. I waited patiently for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn to come out and read them the day they hit the bookstores. As soon as I found out they were being made into a movie, I squee'ed with my co-workers and then we all sat around curiously wondering who would be playing the lead characters. When I found out it was Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, I didn't want to see the movies anymore. As soon as I saw the movies, I immediately changed my mind and fell in love then tried to push them on Demanda like a bad crack habit. She didn't budge very easily. Even after seeing Twilight and New Moon. When she went on a trip for a week with nothing to do, I made sure to pack all 4 books in her suitcase. She came home and stated "I read one chapter but then I got sick and slept the rest of the time." After rethinking our friendship for a long time, I decided to give her another chance. Thankfully she came around so we could fangirl out together and watch/read/talk/smell/lick all things Twi. We had a FANTASTICAL time in Foooooooooorks last year and can't wait to see all of your sexy faces again!
Jaymes and I would also love to get to know you a little more too so age, sex, location would be g r e a t. Please, please respond to the questions below in the comments.
1. Real Name – Twitter handle - Blogger name
2. What day are you flying, driving, walking, boating into Seattle or Forks
3. Are you going to the meet up in Seattle
4. Is this your first time going to #FOOORKS
5. Do you have a blog? What’s the address so we can add it!?
6. Social Security number, date of birth, and address - LOL
To all out lovely followers who are not going this year or even if you are not a fan of Twilight *shutters* we are not trying to exclude you! We love you too!