Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Edward Cullen: A Vlog

Oh heeeeey. Long time no see, eh? Yeah, we get it. But today is a big day, right? Eddie C's bday. So in honor of this..and the fact we haven't blogged in like 95 years, we decided to go all out and vlog. That's right, get stoked. But before you watch us in all of our naked glory (or not) you're going to want to watch this video. Enjoy, and try not to laugh.

So here we go.... our reaction to her reaction and some other reactions of our reactions. Or something. We don't really know, all we know is there are fun times and a cat drive by. Hope you missed us but don't worry, we'll be back sooner than later. Promises.


miss tejota said...

I missed you all so much. Welcome back. I can't wait to read all of your one minute posts this summer.

I could only get through 3 minutes and 30 second of that woman's video. And I want that time back. I mean and I know it.

I loved your vlog. I loved your tribute to your Napa trip and buds. Can't wait to see you both this fall and possibly, hopefully sooner.

Trixie and Tess said...

HOLEEESHIT. You guys are so NOT borderline're just flat out FREAKIN' PHENOMENAL!!!

I'm JennyKate...but @trixieandtess on Twitter...I'm the most confusing person on the face of the planet.

I love that Eduardo's headdress changes periodically throughout the vlog.

Amanda, the fact that you're not going to watch BD2 is hilarious. I have a friend who has never read the last few chapters of the book. She's still in denial that it's finished. Just think how amazing it will be to sit down in your living room with a large bottle of almond champagne at watch the ENTIRE Saga on film...epic, right?! You just need to find your happy place and then maybe you'll be able to eventually watch it.

Nutty Miranda...or whateverthehell her name is, bless her heart. That's a good southern way to say "she's cray cray" without offending. I love her passion. I also love that she makes our level of crazy look completely normal. I shed a wee tear, but it was mostly just..."wow, this is the beginning of the end"...but in now way, shape, or form did I have to redo my make-up. I'm going to just it there...with an extra "bless her heart".

THANK YOU for giving SoCo a shout-out!!! So sweet.

This just makes me miss you guys 10 times more...and I'm so sad that I won't be doing Forks again this year. BUT you promise that you'll be in TentCity?! I'm going to need it in writing or something. How much would it be to take a cab from LA to Pismo?

I love you guys!!! *MWAH*

norcaltwitard said...

I miss you two sooo much. Please do a vlog everyday then it will be almost like I get to see you for real! Well, I will be seeing you for real but it's not the same as seeing you, you know. I couldn't watch the crying girl video, I got about 30 seconds in and had to stop it. I just couldn't hang. I'm such biotch. I hope I'll see you in person some time really soon. (((hugs)))

CC said...

Aaaaagh! I freakin' LOVE your vlog :-)

That said, I think you were a little harsh about that sad, sad, sad woman who YT's her reactions to each trailer... I mean, c'mon! She's about as batshit crazy as they come! She deserves a little kudos for YT'ing herself!

I miss you guys. JSYK. Even though your English accents are somewhat lacking ;-) Do I need to come over there and give you some tuition?

*hugs n stuff*


Rikki_DD said...

Holy balls I missed these faces! I love you Amanda, but Jamie won with the Hulk Hogan stache...

I made the mistake of watching that chicks reaction at work. Laughing so hard that I was crying and my coworkers kept asking me if someone died. "A part of her died" was my answer as I pointed at my phone.


Jiff said...

I love you ladies sofa king much!! Thanks for pimping out Southern Comfort!
That Nutty Miranda girl is off her rocker! I admit, that I did cry at the end of the trailer, seeing Bella and Edward's faces when they are running to battle but, in no way did I bawl my face off!
I could only make it through half of her video...I'm watching with my earbuds in on the lowest setting and it was still so painful!
I'm so glad y'all are blogging/vlogging again!!

Anonymous said...

You are both phenominal. There's no borderline about it.

I didn't watch past the 15 second mark of the first video... cos I couldn't wait to get to mah gals!!

We are gonna have such an amazing time in Hawaii, I think I may have to buy the LMFAO album for the trip!
