Saturday, November 27, 2010

Books and Food

Wow...I really can't believe we've blogged 27 days in a row. It feels like just yesterday we were thinking "what the hell are we going to blog about every single day for 30 days?!?!" but we came up with stuff. Granted it wasn't all great...or even good. But it worked! And now only three more days and I can take a break (but only for a day or so because I know you'd all miss us terribly if we left you for longer than that).

Tonight I have nothing interesting to say. I'm cooking two of my favorite foods right now (yes, they are Thanksgiving food...I'm still not sick of it!) so I'm having to make this quick and also I'm in the middle of reading the second book in The Hunger Games trilogy. If you haven't read them, punch yourself immediately and go pick up these books ASAP!!

They are phenomenal to the max. I didn't think they would be my cup of coffee (I know the saying is tea but I'm not a fan) but I can't put them down. If you haven't heard of them, you can read a lil review here over at Twitarded by Jenny Jerkface. But be careful reading the comments, there may be a few spoilers.

I'd write more but my food timer is beeping loudly at me and I don't want to ruin Thanksgiving #3. Hope you're having a lovely weekend. And if you're not, just remember... a week from today, you can watch this!



Dangrdafne said...

Those books are on my list but I have many others to get through first :)

miss tejota said...

Glad you liked "THG" and I'm trying to make my way to you all so I can watch "Eclipse" with you all and maybe you can make me some Thanksgiving food. Just saying.